Setting yourself up for success during pregnancy through healthy nutrition allows you to experience more energy, better digestion, less swelling, less potential complications, reduced cravings, and much more.
From a physical perspective, focus on consuming a wide variety of whole foods (healthy proteins, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, healthy carbs, and water) and supplement to ensure you can support your body and your growing baby.
From an emotional and mental perspective, focus on connecting with self and baby through meditation, talking with baby, increasing your own awareness of how you are feeling, and/or journaling. It is very important to release fears and limiting beliefs for increased pregnancy health, as every component of our life creates our health and well being!
About the Author of this Guest Blog Feature:

Melanie offers health and wellness classes (events located on her website at:, individualized health coaching, preconception health kick start program, prenatal and postpartum consultations, online clean eating programs, Juice Plus+ Whole Food Nutrition and The Tower Garden. Learn More at!